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Outfits allow you to save your current appearance for use later. You can also share your outfits with others by making them public. You can use them to for example let all your dancers quickly equip their costume.

Creating outfits

To create a new outfit, press the Outfits button and in the menu that pops up press the Create new outfit button. You will be asked to insert the name of your outfit and select its privacy. Press the Save button to create your outfit.


The name will need to be moderated before getting saved and can't include any #s


Private outfits are only visible to you. Public outfits are visible to everyone.


This clothing panel uses the Roblox Humanoid Description system. That means that it should be compatible with every other system that alters your appearance using humanoid descriptions, but some admin commands might not be updated to use it. When possible, avoid using commands like :shirt or :face to ensure that the panel saves your appearance correctly.

Equipping outfits

To equip an outfit, go to the outfits list by pressing the Outfits button. You will see an outfit browser. You can move between pages using the buttons at the bottom. Press the Details button next to the outfit you want to wear and then press the Wear button.


Outfits are always displayed in the same order: from oldest to newest. This means that you can send your dancers a page number to find your outfit and it'll stay the same most of the time.

Changing outfit privacy and deleting outfits

You can change the privacy of an outfit (make it public or private) and delete it by selecting it from the browser. In the window that shows the Wear button you will also see buttons to make it public/private and delete it if it's your outfit.