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Tilt and pan rows

The tilt and pan rows allow you to control the tilt and pan of all lights. You can left-click the buttons to make them go in one direction and right-click to make them go in the opposite direction.


On mobile, there's a +/- that allows you to choose the direction

Custom positions

The Wide, In, Cross and U/D (Up Down) are custom positions that the lights can be in. Right-clicking those buttons will cause the positions to get inverted.

Motor speed

The Freeze, SSlow (Super Slow), Slow, Medium and Fast buttons allow you to choose the speed of the motors


The two rows under that are for position cues. There are tilt and pan cues, and random, smooth and slow variants of them.

Follow spotlights

Under that there's a row that allows you to make all the lights follow a player or a follow point. You can start typing a player's or point's name to search for it. All points will appear when the search box is empty