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Light state

The light state section contains basic on/off buttons and all cues that turn the lights on/off.

On / off

Left-clicking the O/X button will turn the lights on. Right-clicking will turn them off.

Left-clicking the F O/X button will fade the lights on. Right-clicking will fade them off.


If you're on mobile, the O/X and F O/X buttons will be separated into O, X, F O and F X buttons


The Rand button enables the random cue, FRand stands for Fade Random, ORand is Old Random (the lights will flash randomly, like in older versions), BRand stands for Bump Random (the lights will turn on and fade off randomly)

Strobe will repeatedly turn the lights on and off

Flash will flash the lights once

Cue1 - Cue12 are cues relating to turning the lights on/off. The number next to Cue3 indicates how many numbered groups are affected by it at once.