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2. Edit the Screens setting

Even though everything works correctly right now, that doesn't mean it'll work in the final game. That's because the Screens setting still uses non-relative paths to access the screens. That means that if your prop gets added into a folder or anything that's not directly in Workspace, the script will fail.

Go down to the Screens setting. We need to replace the paths to both of the screens.

The first screen is in the AVeryImportantProp folder, which as we figured out on the previous page should be written as script.Parent.Parent. That means the path to this screen is script.Parent.Parent.Screen1.SurfaceGui. The same can be done to the second screen: script.Parent.Parent.Screen2.Texture. After making the changes, the script should look like this:

return {

--// Where the GIF Player module is located
GIFPlayerLocation = script.Parent.Parent.GIFPlayer;

--// Where the screens are located
--// You can add as many as you want, separate them with commas (,)
Screens = {
script.Parent.Parent.Screen1.SurfaceGui, script.Parent.Parent.Screen2.Texture

--// Default effect used for transitioning between GIFs
DefaultEffect = {
--// Name of the effect, check the website for a list of possible effects
Name = "Fade",

--// Additional settings for that specific effect
Blocking = false,
Time = 0.5
